Light in Dark Places, No Fear, and Symbols

Runa's Oracle

“Words are a pretext. It is the inner bond that draws one person to another, not words.”
― Rumi

Well, we made it through the Full Moon eclipse, and the waning has begun. It's been a minute since I've written anything, and my heart was full today, so there are a few things to share. Rumi says in Runa's Oracle above, "Words are a pretext," but it is because of the bond we share that I also share my words with you. Thank you, first of all for being a subscriber. I know that giving up space in your email inbox is often precarious, and I don't take it lightly that you have invited me and my words into your space.

First, I share a little of my own astrology with you. My Sun is in Leo, in the 12th house, possibly known to be the darkest astrological house. At 51 years of age, I think I am finally coming to understand who I am as a Leo Sun, perhaps because I am also finally understanding my Rising Sign. Incidentally, I think the Rising Sign (I am Virgo Rising) might be the Key Ring, or Key Holder and be just as important if not more so, than the Sun and Moon signs. I invite you to read the post below for what I have discovered for myself.

Shining a Light in Dark Places
Runa’s Oracle “Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.” ― Mary Oliver My Sun is in my 12th House, perhaps the darkest house in the astrological chart. According to astrologer Chani Nicholas, the 12th house

Next, I share a little bit about the condensed power of symbols. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but I think a symbol might be worth a thousand pictures. Read the post below to find out more...

Symbols as Condensed Imagery
Runa’s Oracle ♥ “Artistic symbols and myths speak out of the primordial, preconscious realm of the mind which is powerful and chaotic. Both symbol and myth are ways of bringing order and form into this chaos.” ― Rollo May My hubby and I just watched Nandor Fodor and the Talking Mongoose*,…

And a very special announcement! I have been invited to write on another great website called No Fear Astrology. My focus will be No Fear Tarot, and it will compliment and intertwine with astrology!

Introducing No Fear Tarot
Runa’s Oracle ♥ “Tarot and dreams are two dialects in the language of the soul.” ― Philippe St Genoux As the moon begins to wane, I find myself wanting to release a lot of mental dust bunnies, some of these bunnies with claws and fangs. Thinking about these bunnies, they are confabulations

And just to make it easier to find (also linked in the above article), here is the announcement on the No Fear Astrology website. I encourage you to check Abbigail Clark's site out more fully and consider subscribing to her as well! (The above and below articles have the same title but are quite distinct in content. I encourage you to read both!)

Introducing No Fear Tarot
No Fear Tarot espouses a philosophy for living a better life in which the querent is able to abandon the shackles of victimhood and embrace an attitude of self-determination.

...and my first post called Tarot: A Fool's Errand? Some consider the Tarot to be foolish, among other descriptive words, but I speak through the Fool about the value of Tarot and going the "way of the foolish."

All about the Fool in tarot
Learn how the Fool card can help inspire your journey, and can lead you on to new paths. This tarot card can help you see the world with new eyes

As always, I love your comments and questions (below the posts, or in reply to this email). It is communication and interaction that solidifies our bond, and yes, we sometimes use words to communicate! <wink>

♥ Runa