Alchemy Sessions

Hello! I am so delighted you are interested in a private session (or a few)! My goal is to assist you in discovering ways to access your own Inner Wisdom through the power of Imagery! And hopefully guiding you to make it a regular practice.
The world needs us to be sovereign and empowered and the only way that happens is if we take the power back we have given away to others.
I offer 30 minute, 60 minute, and 90 minute sessions for all kinds of imagery work. I also offer various oracular readings which are listed on this page.
Check out the sessions below. If you have questions about what Alchemy Session might be most appropriate for your situation email me at runaheilung at or book a complimentary Soul to Soul appointment.
We will work via Zoom (USA and international) or phone (USA only).
Use the discount code for your membership level* and SAVE!
*For Lead into Gold (save 10%), and The Philosopher's Stone (save 15%) levels.
Session Options
I use various types of imagery, which I classify by the elements of Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. Read more about these elemental levels here.
The earth, in elemental theory, is the physical. With regard to signs and imagery, it is typically what we can see with ordinary vision. Earth Element Imagery is Established and Receptive. This includes exoteric imagery including street signs, but also esoteric imagery including Tarot and basic archetypal oracles. Our Earth Element Imagery work deals primarily with the esoteric. Read more about Earth Element Imagery here.
- Tarot Reading - Basic Tarot Spread in 30 minutes or Expanded Spread in 60 minutes.
Sessions available in 30 or 60 minute increments
Discount package available - Four 60 minute sessions. - Tarot Classes - Learn Tarot with me! Travel through the Tarot at your own pace and budget. Will likely require multiple sessions.
Sessions available in 30 or 60 minute increments
Discount package available - Four 60 minute sessions.
30 minute session $53usd - Click to pay and schedule.
60 minute session $89usd - Click to pay and schedule.
Four 60 minute sessions Package $300 CLICK TO PAY. You'll be redirected to my website to arrange schedule following payment.
Additional Earth Imagery Services
Also, check out my House of Stars Astro-Tarot-ology Readings where I combine the power of your natal chart with the archetypes of the Tarot's Major Arcana. You've never had a reading quite like it. Check out the details on my Readings Page.
Water is fluid. The imagery of this element is also fluid. Traditionally referred to as scrying, it is about seeing into or through something, typically using reflective or smooth surfaced. Perhaps the most famous (or infamous) example of this is the crystal ball. Water Element Imagery is Fluid and Receptive. It includes still water surfaces, cloud formations, and yes, even crystal balls.
I designed my Old Soul Oracle deck as a scrying tool. Because we humans are, for the most part, no longer accustomed to elemental water imagery for Inner Wisdom, the Old Soul Oracle bridges the gap with fluid and shape-shifting imagery that allows you to "see" what you might not otherwise. Read more about Water Element Imagery here.
- Old Soul Oracle - Learn to Scry using the Old Soul Oracle deck images to tap into your own Inner Wisdom. You do not need a deck for this reading.
-Sessions available only in 60 minute increments unless pre-approved.
-Discount package available - Four 60 minute sessions. - Scrying Classes - Learn the basics of Scrying - relaxation, state of mind, uses and practice. Learn at your own pace and budget. Will likely require at least 2 sessions.
-Sessions available only in 60 minute increments unless pre-approved.
-Discount package available - Four 60 minute sessions.
60 minute session $89usd - Click to pay and schedule.
Four 60 minute sessions Package $300 CLICK TO PAY. You'll be redirected to my website to arrange schedule following payment.
Fire is active and creative. For the purposes of Old Soul Alchemy, Fire Element Imagery is made by the spark of your own imagination. You are in control, but you must exert some effort. Fire Element Imagery is Dynamic and Active. This imagery doesn't come sitting poolside, staring into the water. It requires more preparation and some stoking of the coals. But the active and warm benefits of this type of imagery are quite amazing. Read more about Fire Element Imagery here.
- DayTime Dreaming - Learn to create your own fluid imagery to experience relaxation, illumination, and transformation. Learn to immerse yourself like a writer, director and actor to influence beneficial outcomes.
-Sessions available only in 60 minute increments unless pre-approved.
-Discount package available - Four 60 minute sessions. - Intuitive Imagery - Use the power of imagination and imagery to intuit dynamic situations at home and at work. Assess people, places, and situations with a starkly revealing intuitive imagery process.
-Sessions available only in 60 minute increments unless pre-approved.
-Discount package available - Four 60 minute sessions. - Learn Intuitive Imagery for Yourself - You've experienced the power. Now learn how to do it for yourself alone, or with a partner. Will likely take at least 2 sessions.
-Sessions available only in 60 minute increments unless pre-approved.
60 minute session $89usd - Click to pay and schedule.
Four 60 minute sessions Package $300 CLICK TO PAY. You'll be redirected to my website to arrange schedule following payment.
Additional Fire Imagery Services
Check out my Shamanic Journey options. I offer a
-Solo Healing Journey, where I do all the work and share the details on a call afterward, or a
-Shamanic Reiki Healing Journey, where I guide you through a shamanic healing process using my Reiki knowledge and skills, or a
-Learn to Journey option where I guide you through the basic journey process, explaining history, uses, and practice.
Check out the details on my Readings Page.
The Air element can be hard to pin down. It flows through us and around us like a breeze through the trees. It takes extra effort to capture the energy of Air Element Imagery, as it takes the work of craftsmen to build windmills to capture the energy of the wind. Air Element Imagery is Dreamy and Active. Dream imagery can be very powerful imagery. The active part of this imagery isn't like Fire Element Imagery, in the creation of it, but it's in the capturing of it and working with it. This Imagery begs to be brought into consciousness - an invisible messenger, it can be made visible with proper attention. Read more about Air Element Imagery here.
- DreamWork - Learn to work with your nocturnal dreams. From conditioning yourself to remember your dreams to learning to interpret your dreams for yourself.
-Sessions available only in 60 minute increments unless pre-approved.
-Discount package available - Four 60 minute sessions. - Deep Imagery - Learn to integrate all of the above types of imagery in a powerful imagery practice.
-Sessions available only in 60 minute increments unless pre-approved.
-Discount package available - Four 60 minute sessions.
60 minute session $89usd - Click to pay and schedule.
Four 60 minute sessions Package $300 CLICK TO PAY. You'll be redirected to my website to arrange schedule following payment.