Welcome Old Soul!

Runa's Oracle ♥
“I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.”
― Helen Keller
This is Old Soul Alchemy, my brand new site that's just getting started. I am exhilarated at the possibilities for you to discover and play with your Inner Wisdom through imagery, and the imagination!!
You'll notice that the home page is made up of IMAGES! No catchy headlines. (No click-bait!) No wordy excerpts. I cannot even tell you how giddy I am to find a platform that will allow me to show you how I work!
Because I work with imagery and the imagination! Did I say that already? I did, but it's a very important distinction. This could be potentially different from every other blog you've seen!
Oh, and again, no irritating ads and popups! Just divine play!
Things will be up and running here shortly, but you can subscribe in the meantime if you'd like to stay up to date and receive emails when the juiciest new content is published! (Oh, I don't send out an email for every post I create, just the squeeziest. I wouldn't want to overwhelm your inbox.)
Check out my Start Here: About page for more on the inner workings of this site and my mind. ☺
♥ Runa
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