Old Soul Oracle - An Inner Wisdom System

Old Soul Oracle - An Inner Wisdom System

Runa's Oracle ♥

“Learn to trust what you cannot see far more than what you can see.”
Caroline Myss

Looking Within with Old Soul Oracle

We are so used to looking outside for answers. ♣External advice. ♣External validation. ♣External permission.

What if for your whole life, the answers have been locked inside you, and now you have been given the opportunity to peek inside…No… to step inside, and discover what has been waiting for you all along?

The Old Soul Oracle is a system designed specifically to give you barrier-free entry into your Inner Wisdom. You can tap into the one voice that will ALWAYS have your highest and best interest at heart. And given the chance, this voice will speak to you with the love, compassion, and support you have always needed.

It wasn't until I began to use Old Soul Oracle imagery that I was able to complete my first journal ever, in almost 50 years. And it just happens to be full of growth and encouragement and celebration and direction and affirmation! DEEP STUFF!

It might be hard for the people that know me personally to believe that this extroverted personality might have had trouble accepting the validity of her own voice.

And yet, it was true. As a pleaser and rule follower, I played the roles that seemed to keep outer conflict at bay. I ignored the inner turmoil that this created. I ignored my own intuition and inner wisdom that would have provided peace and empowerment.

(And I didn't have a wise old aunt or grandmother to clue me in on this stuff. They were all rule followers too. I did have an uncle, my beloved Uncle John, who would have come the closest, but he was busy in his own deep, deep struggle and growth, learning this stuff for himself, and alas, he left this world too soon!)

Finally, I found a way to tap into my intuition and inner guidance, with great delight and ease, and I am excited to share this way with you. It is the way of imagery and imagination.

You too can access your Inner Wisdom through the power of imagery and imagination. The Old Soul Oracle is a set of hand-painted energetic images that I'll be sharing with you on this site. They are designed to give you an simple and immediately accessible way to work with imagery and your inner wisdom!

The idea is to relax your body and mind and open your heart. A great meditation I wrote just for Old Soul Oracle is The Diver and the Fisherman; it allows your left brain to relax and your right brain to take the state.

Engage your imagination in a spirit of play.

Then you contemplate an Old Soul Oracle image, rotating it as needed (special posts allow you to "rotate" by scrolling or swiping images), until you find an image within the image that speaks to you. Then you proceed to enter into sacred dialogue with your Higher Self as represented by the image, much in the same way Carl Jung engaged in active imagination.

I don't have any decks at the moment, as the first edition sold out, but there will be enough here online to play with for a while. And I promise to keep you posted on any new developments. (So make sure you subscribe!)

Want to know more? Check out

♦ the Old Soul Oracle page!
this post for a sampling of how it works
♦ Old Soul Oracle posts by tag "oso"
♦ This YouTube video explaining the difference between Old Soul Oracle and other Oracle decks.
♦ The Old Soul Oracle Experience videos on YouTube (3 very short immersive experience examples of how Old Soul Oracle works.)
Old Soul Oracle Experience 1
Old Soul Oracle Experience 2
Old Soul Oracle Experience 3

♥ Runa