Full Moon in Aquarius

Full Moons are about release. The light energy of the moon has reached its peak and begins to dissipate, like an outbreath. Aquarius is about the collective. Friends and influencers. The collective unconscious.

Full Moon in Aquarius


Runa's Oracle ♥

"The age of Aquarius has met our souls,
We've come to dance earth bound to re-create this world.”
Nikki Rowe

Full Moons are about release. The light energy of the moon has reached its peak and begins to dissipate, like an outbreath.

Aquarius is about the collective. Friends and influencers. The collective unconscious.

Today's full moon is all about releasing that which doesn't belong to us, all the well-meaning influences of family, education, media, government, and society at large. Let go of what does not represent your Higher Self. Release what is not in the greatest and highest good.

You are not here to please everyone. To truly influence the world yourself, you must shake off the status quo and embrace your Soul Purpose.

Watch over the next few days for some of what you've released to come bubbling up. As it does, treat it like a thought in a meditation. Allow it to rise, and then float away, without clinging to it or reclaiming it.


Below is a link to download a 5 minute Full Moon in Aquarius Meditation.

Full Moon in Aquarius Meditation.wav
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