DayLight Dreaming

What is DayLight Dreaming?
DayLight Dreaming is an Imagery Practice of the Dynamic Imagination Utilized as a Tool for Transformation
* Highly Customizable * Easily Accessible * Endlessly Beneficial *
DayLight Dreaming is a Focused, Multi-Sensory, Energetic Experience!
A technique of the active and directed imagination for those interested in self-development and healing. It is a way for you, the DayLight Dreamer, to go beyond mere imagination to access worlds of insight, healing, and power. You will learn how to construct your own inner landscapes that are infused with the sovereignty of your Inner Wisdom.
Manifestation * Transformation * Healing * Power
Would you like to understand and tap into your own true creative power?
DayLight Dreaming is a game changer that can put you in the Dreamer's Driver Seat! No need to wait until you are asleep to use your Dynamic Imagination to effect transformation in your life!
How does it work?
There are 5 stages of DayLight Dreaming, Induction, Invocation (or Invitation), Insertion, Involvement and Integration.
- Induction is the initial process of relaxing the body and the mind.
- Invocation is the act of drawing forth or inviting an image to surface in the mind in response to a stated intention.
- Insertion is a sensory immersion that happens when we open our inner senses to make the imagery an embodied experience. This happens with a focus on what is seen, heard, smelled, tasted, touched and sensed intuitively in the imagery.
- Involvement is further immersion into the experience by actively participating in the imagery development. The Dreamer becomes a player in their own imagery as if an actor on the stage of their imagination.
- Integration has 2 steps. It is how about closing the imagery session while showing respect to the imagery's wisdom, and then finding ways to bring that imagery to life in everyday living.
Hypothetical Example in brief: Follow the numbers in the example below for the steps explained above.
The House of Law
1. Find a nice quiet place to rest comfortably where you can close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths to relax body and mind. The aim is a centered state of mind that allows for contemplation.
The best way to think about this is to consider a quote by Joseph Chilton Pearce in his book Magical Child, as quoted in Spinning Inward by Maureen Murdock: "The prepared or one-pointed mind is open to creative insight because it bypasses thinking."
2. Take me to a time and place where I can visit the House of Law (based on a hypothetical intention to understand a legal issue). Allow an image to come to mind. Let's say that scales of balance is the image that arises.
In this case the House of Law is a theme or destination designed to illicit imagery associated with the intention. There are many other ways to invoke the imagery.
3. Allow the imagery to expand by focusing on what you see (the scales, maybe held by the Lady of Justice), what you hear, (possibly a gavel striking a block), what you smell (musty old seats in a courtroom, the scent of fresh paint), taste (a breathmint that calms my nerves), feel/touch (the smooth wood of the judges bench and the cold air-conditioned atmosphere), and sense (The courtroom is empty. My legal issue won't be settled in a courtroom so this imagery is interesting.)
I have found that this sensorial anchoring is the best way to immerse myself in my imagery work. It centers and focuses my mind while also allowing the imagery to expand. It also helps me to become a part of the scenery for the next step.
4. What happens next? I am waiting in the courtroom, and while it is cold I am not uncomfortable. I am not sure why I am here, and why there is no one else here, but I am waiting to see what happens next. Pause. Wait, there is someone walking into the courtroom from behind the bench, I think it's a judge. She is stepping up to the bench. She looks around as she asks me why I am there and I explain my legal situation. She picks up her gavel and as she slams it down, she says, "On account of no opposition, case dismissed." Then she stamps a piece of paper, what must be my "case," tells me to file it with the clerk, and she gets up and walks out.
We can see here how an active involvement in the imagery allows for a sensorial experience that draws forth an inner wisdom. This process allows the client to regain a sense of control instead of being tossed by the waves of fate.
5. Step 1. Thank the imagery and the wisdom it has provided for you while feeling in your body the results. Thank you! I feel hopeful of a smooth resolution to this issue. Actually, I feel pretty ecstatic. My stress is gone.
Step 2. Bring your awareness back to your body and the room you are in. Use your external senses to re-ground yourself in ordinary reality while taking a few deep breaths. What can you do to integrate this imagery session into your waking life. I will fill out the requisite paperwork for this issue immediately. I had been putting it off, perhaps irrationally, out of fear. I know now that putting it off indefinitely would have only complicated my situation. Now, even if the resolution still costs me the fine or a partial fine, I am looking forward to having it behind me.
As the imagery session closes, the client felt empowered and at peace with what needed to be done. Even if the situation isn't "dismissed" outright the client feels more in control and empowered, and does expect resolution.
There are many examples of how this work. Keep an eye on future DayLight Dreaming posts. There is also a book somewhere in the future.
For now, Download my free 15 page eBook for the short version of DayLight Dreaming book, to harness the power of your imagination for yourself!
Do you have any comments or questions? Could you feel yourself being immersed somewhat in the imagery as you read about The House of Law?
♥ Runa